I read Bob Proctors landmark book some years ago, and I continue to see the message it contained proclaimed over and again by successful people (Sam Kalenuik, Grant Sylvester and many others). When I saw that the book was made available in December as a free PDF download at Insight of the Day I felt it was time to do a review. The book is by and large a road map designed to take you from where you are financially to where you would like to be. But, like any map it is of little value if you don’t stick to the route. The teaching principle of the book is, “we should love people, and use money” never the other way around. You should know if you are a global thinker, the linear, systematic approach of this book might not be for you. Again, and again, Proctor points out that reading and memorizing the book will do nothing to help you achieve you goals. Only by applying the principles will your journey take you to your financial destination. In the final chapter Proctor suggests creating a “prosperity vacuum.” He illustrates the point by suggesting the reader go through their closet and take out everything they no longer wear (I assume this would include things that no longer fit). He then suggests giving those items away. He emphasizes the importance of giving the items away rather than doing something like a rummage sale. He states you should fully expect to receive something better in return from your gift. It will just be from a different person. The book is full of just such exciting (terrifying) concepts. I like the book because it is not a long read, only about 200 pages. I like it because it is logically laid out in ten little chapters. I don’t like the little clumps of poetry, or the enigmatic quotes of Earl Nightingale. And I don’t like the scarcity of support facts and data. But, I do recommend it as something you should read every year just to stay on the right path. Reg Adkins writes on behavior and the human experience at (elementaltruths.blogspot.com).