In work, what are the things that you have not completed or seen to its end? Is there a work schedule that you have forgotten and contains a lot of things that you intended to do but have not? Is the office in a mess and does it need cleaning? Do you need to create an ideal working environment before you start to act on your new dream project? Are there people you have been intending to meet and have not met up with in relation to your work? Have you claimed your medical bills and your travel reimbursement? Is there any equipment that is pending purchase approval? Have you been intending to say anything to your employees or employers? In your personal life and in the context of relationships, think of the people who are important to you and have contributed in your life. Have you acknowledged their role in your life? Are there people whom you have hurt on the way and would like to apologize? Are there any regrets, resentments and grudges that you hold? Are there people you would like to get close to but have not had the courage to tell them how much you admire and appreciate their work? Do you have half truths and lies n your closet, which you would like to clear? Are there damaged relationships that you would like to repair? Have you lost touch with some friends from the past and keep thinking about them but never get to write to them or contact them? Make a list of people you would like to contact and touch base with. Your finances are another important aspect that you need to sort out before moving on. These can really come in your way if you have not ensured that you start on a fresh slate. Think of the people that owe you money, the loans that you have taken and the monthly installments that you need to pay. Does the balance due on your credit card statement keep mounting? Have you taken cognizance of all the future expenses that may come unexpected? Are your tax records up to date? You will need all the time and a minimum of distractions to ensure that you can concentrate on achieving the goals that you set out to in minimum time. The lesser the distractions or issues pending, the more efficiently you will be able to work towards your goals. Vishal P. Rao share his insights and tips on holistic living at Relishing Life.