Gifts Are Not About One-Upmanship

With the whole world seemingly in malls trying to buy the best of the best when it comes to Christmas gifts; it’s natural to feel the pressure to give the best gifts ever this holiday season. Try and remember what it’s all about – material worth isn’t supposed to color the holiday season green! The best gifts are not about how expensive they are, rather how thoughtful they are. Put a little care behind the gifts you choose and gift something someone really needs. Or make some DIY gifts if you like – friends and family would really appreciate the love and care you have put behind making something from scratch. It could be that famed brownie recipe of yours, or some lovely knitting that only can do. A gift from the heart would mean far more than just another gift hurriedly picked off laden market shelves.

Happy Photos Do Not Equal Happy Families

There’s always going to be that one family who sends you picture-perfect family portraits for holiday greetings year after year – and if this is a year that you or your family are in turmoil – those happy, smiling faces have the power to wound. Don’t let it hurt, and remind yourself not to be jealous. No family is perfect or problem free. What they might have is a gem of a photographer. Or an excellent stylist… A photo does not capture the essence of a family or the troubles brewing in it – it’s just the best foot forward by someone keeping up appearances.

Don’t Let Your Weight Weigh You Down

Christmas and the holiday season mean indulgence. The patisseries overflow with goodies, as does your grandma’s kitchen. And sometimes, those muffins you indulged in do leave you with a muffin top! Dress to please yourself, its cold outside and so layer up in lovely sweaters, ponchos, shawls and coats. Think the 70s, sparkly oversized sweaters with solid yoga pants paired up with stunning heels can make you look gorgeous in a laidback way. And no one will notice those unsightly pounds you have been worried about. There’s always time to jog and slog post the holidays!

Alone Should Not Equal to Lonely

Feeling depressed because everyone has somebody for the holiday season, except you? Well, think of it this way – it’s better to be alone in an empty room, than being lonely amidst a group of people. Don’t stay alone at home with dark thoughts; go to that office get-together or that building party. Go out and meet people and you might just find a special someone to make the holidays all the more magical. Or stay alone at home, if that’s what you would like to do.

Overwhelmed? It’s Okay to Say No

We are all not made to be social butterflies. Some of us love the general hubbub of the holiday madness, but some of the more introverted lot start to feel overwhelmed at the invitations and the counter-invitations. The holidays are a time to be thankful for what we are, have and can freely give. If all the partying and the eating are making you tired in mind, body or soul – it’s time to take a step back. Go for a walk, or volunteer at the shelter, or simply give away what you can spare to charity – helping others will make you feel good about yourself. This holiday season; remember to do what you most want to do to celebrate the end of a year. It’s your yearend too; breathe in 2017 in peace and joy. Featured photo credit: LevelUpMovement via