By definition from Merriam-Webster dictionary: In simple terms, stress is a kind of pressure, force or influence that moves us to action, either physically, emotionally or mentally. Stress is important because it brings meaning to our life. Life without any kind of stress will be lifeless and boring. Stress can make life worthwhile. One of the major causes of stress is work. Imagine if we lived without working, with no challenge and pressure to attend to, or no project to accomplish. At first, we will like and enjoy it, but as days go by that we don’t do anything, eventually, we will feel like our life has no meaning and purpose. Our mind, body and life in general are designed to do some level of work or activity to give it meaning and purpose.
The Two Different Kinds of Stress
Generally, there are two kinds of stress:
Positive Stress
Positive Stress, also referred to as Eustress, is often felt when we are confronted with demanding and challenging situation which we are capable of handling. Challenges and responsibility gives us a sense of thrill and excitement. An example of eustress is when we are working on new projects (like a promotion or business venture) or when we are entering a competition (like a sports tournament). It brings us a feeling of enthusiasm to win and succeed in the new challenge. Eustress is a healthy kind of stress because it motivates and inspires us in our daily life activity and work. As a result, it gives us positive feelings of fulfillment and enthusiasm. People who are experiencing positive stress contribute outstanding performance and output. They are the ones who enjoy what they do and they become successful in their endeavors. Positive stress is a kind of stress that is essential in winning and succeeding in life. It’s a kind of stress that can make a person live a fulfilled and successful life.
Negative Stress
Negative stress is the “most popular” kind of stress. It’s a stress that causes negative implication such as anxiety, fatigue, depression, unhappiness and other illnesses. An example of physical negative stress is when we are working on many projects and responsibility beyond what we can do, or when we no longer have time to relax and even get enough sleep. On the other hand, a source of negative emotional stress is when we don’t have good relationships with the people around us. When we are met with negative stress, it often blocks our happiness and success and if it is prolonged, we can become emotionally, mentally and physically sick. People who are experiencing negative stress are the one who always complain and feel miserable about life. They tend to become a victim instead of a victor. They have low self-esteem, are hard to relate and deal with, and have less accomplishments. As such, they are often unfulfilled and unsuccessful. Negative stress is a kind of stress that can break a person’s potential success and fulfillment in life. It is one of the main killers of winning and success. Now that we know the two different kinds of stress, our responsibility is to be aware of the signs that shows which kind of stress dominates us and do something constructive to solve it. Remember to use positive stress as motivation to keep you moving and performing excellent work. At the same time, be mindful of the negative stress that may paralyze you. Know how to maintain an appropriate balance between the two.