You probably own a smartphone and tablet, so you should try to use the potential they offer. Below, you’ll find a collection of 15 apps that will change the way you deal with the daily struggles and joys of student life.

Apps that Change the Way You Study

1.iStudiez Pro

Are you prone to procrastination? It’s time to start using iStudiez Pro – an app that enables you to organize your courses, assignment deadlines, and exam schedule. You can organize your entire homework within a single app, as well as up to five courses with the free version.

2.iTunes University

3.Google Keep




Apps that Change the Way You Organize Your Time


8. Wiggio

This application is made for group work. Once you get over your internal eye rolls at the assignment of a group project, take charge of your assignment by making use of this application that allows you to conduct virtual meetings, create task lists, and share files. You won’t miss a group deadline ever again with this app on your side.


10. Todoist

Apps that Boost Your Focus and Productivity

11. 30/30

12. Focus Booster

Apps that Change the Way You Complete Academic Projects

13. Mind42

14. Prezi

15. Sugar Sync

Do you use any other apps that make your life as a student easier? Share your recommendations, but don’t forget to try the tools listed above! Featured photo credit: Matylda Czarnecka via

15 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 915 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 6915 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 3015 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 1715 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 3415 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 4615 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 9215 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 5815 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 4515 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 1115 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 8215 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 615 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 4315 Online Apps which change the way you approach student life - 3