Of course, no matter how excited any adult gets before the big day, it’s incomparable to what children feel. This can provide parents with a number of challenges, the most difficult of these is putting the kids to bed. The pure jubilation of knowing what awaits them the following morning is often simply too powerful for them to get any meaningful sleep. What little sleep they do get is often interrupted early by their excitement, often prompting them to get up and wake their parents to ask “whether it’s morning yet”. This will be a very similar scenario for most parents who will certainly feel very jealous of Brazilian families, who on average don’t rise till after 9am. Read more in this piece from the New York Times. So, what can parents do to both help their children and themselves get a better night’s sleep on Christmas Eve? Thankfully, sleepypeople.com has come up with a solution in the form of a very helpful infographic. It’s called ‘11 Christmas Eve Sleep Hacks To Help You Fall Asleep Before Santa Comes’ and you can take a look for yourself below.
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